Misinformation can cause a variety of problems when using digital advertising to recruit participants for clinical trials. There are two potential sources of misinformation here – errors in the materials used to create the ads, landing pages and questionnaires. And errors made by and propogated by social media comments. Dealing with the first kind of… Continue reading The Risks of Misinformation in Clinical Trial Recruitment
Tag: Educational
Privacy and Confidentiality in Clinical Trial Recruitment via Digital Advertising
Ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of participants is important. Breaches of confidentiality and privacy in the context of using digital advertising to recruit participants for clinical trials can have serious consequences. In the worst case scenario, a breach of confidentiality or privacy could result in harm to the participants, such as discrimination or stigmatization. For… Continue reading Privacy and Confidentiality in Clinical Trial Recruitment via Digital Advertising
Managing Response Volume in Clinical Trial Recruitment
A large volume of responses when using digital advertising to recruit participants for clinical trials can present several challenges. First, it can be overwhelming for clinical trial coordinators to manage a high volume of responses. This can lead to delays in responding to potential participants and may result in a lack of timely follow-up. It… Continue reading Managing Response Volume in Clinical Trial Recruitment
Informed Consent in Clinical Trial Recruitment via Digital Advertising
Ensuring that potential participants are fully informed when using digital advertising to recruit for clinical trials can be challenging. Most often, the digital recruitment channels can only provide some of the information, while the rest has to be given over the phone or through an informed consent form. However, here are a few ways to… Continue reading Informed Consent in Clinical Trial Recruitment via Digital Advertising
How To Pinpoint Rare Demographics For Clinical Trial Recruitment
One of the main challenges of clinical trial participant recruitment is to get in touch with eligible people. This is especially true if you are looking for specific demographics, age ranges, BMI, or people with rare diseases. A shotgun approach has you putting up fliers in your local supermarket, emailing students at your local university… Continue reading How To Pinpoint Rare Demographics For Clinical Trial Recruitment
Challenges of Using Digital Advertising for Clinical Trial Recruitment
There are several challenges that can arise when using digital advertising to recruit participants for clinical trials: Reaching the right audience: Digital advertising allows for targeted messaging, but it can be difficult to reach the specific population that is eligible for a clinical trial. Wayturn can analyze your study for free, to help you figure… Continue reading Challenges of Using Digital Advertising for Clinical Trial Recruitment